Saturday, December 4, 2010

As Amazon's Kindle Rises, So Does the Hope of Millions to Become Authors

Amazon’s Kindle e-reader is shaping up to be the next must-have Christmas-season gadget, and that means the dreams of millions to become authors has just taken a giant  step forward.

Joan Stewart’s The Publicity Hound newsletter reports that, as far as Amazon’s 10 best-selling books are concerned, Kindle digital volumes are now outselling print versions more than 2 to 1. To a lessor degree, Kindle e-books also are selling more strongly than printed copies of Amazon’s top 25, top 100 and top 1000 titles. In general, for every 100 hardcover books Amazon is selling, it sells 143 Kindle e-books.

All this, despite the fact that Kindle has been around just three years.

How can you capitalize on this megatrend in publishing?

Your first step would be to set up Digital Text Platform account at so you can start publishing immediately for free.

Stewart points out that you may already have material on your hard drive that can be converted to an e-book.

Aside from the usual pleasures of authorship, publishing can also help further a professional career or a budding or established business.

Of course, books usually don’t sell on their own. Your next step would be publicity and promotion. More on that later.

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