Thursday, June 2, 2011

Speciality blog gives Kindle authors a chance to sound off, promote their books, and help one another

A speciality blog by a California screenwriter, novelist and producer is now giving e-book publishers with Amazon’s game-changing Kindle program a new voice.

The blog Kindle Author ( is the brainstorm of David Wisehart, himself a Kindle writer of such imaginative titles as Devil’s Lair, about a medieval knight who leads a quest through hell to recover the Holy Grail from the Devil and The Vatican Dagger, where Dracula meets the historic Borgia family in Renaissance Italy.

David’s site allows authors to discuss their adventures with Kindle publishing and provide tips and other information to readers who want to emulate them.

Author interviews are linked back to their Kindle book pages on Amazon as well as the writers’ Web sites.

This week, I made a guest appearance on this innovative and useful blog, which you can read here:

In the interview, David and I covered the tsunami of change that is currently sweeping over the traditional publishing world, as it moves from being a print-based to a Web-based medium. And we discussed my belief that this is probably the greatest leap forward for entrepreneurial writers since the desktop publishing revolution of the 1980s.

Kindle authors interested in requesting an interview with David should e-mail him at: Write "Kindle Author" in the subject line.